Tuesday, November 23, 2010

OH NO!!!!!!

Due to wraith of my mother school and drivers ed I have been banned from Nano this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't worry I'm doing make up Nano all December long becuase I got a large chunk of it done! GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was getting to the good part!

Any way happy Doctor Who day! 47 years and 11 doctors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dressed up as Rose becuase well I'm blonde.... Also the POLL!!!!!!!!! PLEASE VOTE YOU ONLY HAVE A FEW DAYS LEFT TO DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or else I shall be sad :(.

and know Amara teaser!

They had both my arms and were dragging me closer to the van to my death to the pits. I dug my heels in but they just slid as the pulled harder. Suddenly something jerked on my back and I was pulled upwards my arm ggiving a pop as one of the Force tried to grab hold of me better. I screamed as I raced upwards and into the arms of a dark clad figure...

Not the exact words but oh well! Happy Turkey day!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Cover Poll time!

As I promised here are the covers for Amara! The first is the original the second is the newer one! Vote on the side poll please!



Day three and guess what!

Ok so I'm completely behind schedule on the novel folks! I need to get 5k done by tonight to be on schedule! That means only one thing can save me! Drum roll please! .........


My secret. Ok not so secret, little cheat! With out it I would of failed my novel from last year! Just think of the worlds state with out a completed draft of 'The 355 Lives!" Ok not such a big deal I get it!

Amara the sequel is going great however! So far I've gotten the prologue and two parts of the first part/chapter June down! Already there is murder a chase scene on hover boards, and a h4wt emo dude named Banna, explosions, two teen pyros, a domed future 1984 ish city!!! Haha yes I'm strange! I cant help it though! How ever I am working on a cover I got one down and I'm not happy with it I just finished the second and will be posting both for you three readers to vote on which one would be better!
Amanda out!
PS thank god for long weekends!